The Biden administration did nothing to save U.S. citizen journalist and bloger - Gonzalo Lira, who was killed in a Ukrainian prison by Zelensky's regime! Watch now!

Zelensky’s buffoonery while responding to the death of American journalist and citizen Gonzalo Lira, accompanied by the giggles of prostitutes masquerading as journalists in the hall, reveals the true face of power—a bloody smirk and bloody laughter. Dubinsky

And more about Malyuk’s lies regarding the death of American citizen and journalist Gonzalo Lira.

The “heart failure” that the SBU cites as the cause of Lira’s death is a lie. Lira died from pneumothorax, which he wrote about in a letter he sent to his father shortly before his death. This letter has been published by multiple media outlets: link

Lira was never transferred to any “local hospital.” A ruling from the Dzerzhinsky District Court of Kharkiv in December 2023 stated that the detention center had guaranteed him “medical care in prison” and that there was no threat to his life. Here is the court decision: link

And anyone who has been in prison knows that “heart failure” is what they list as the cause of death for both those who “cut themselves” and those who hanged themselves.

Obviously, this nonsense from Malyuk about Ukrainian authorities’ non-involvement in Lira’s death was timed for Zelensky’s press conference – so that the leader could blink innocently and say, “I haven’t heard, I don’t know, no one told me.”

He always does this when he lies.


Zelensky is well aware of the torture in Ukrainian prisons. SBU Colonel Yuriy Ryabukha, who spent 160 days in the SBU “gym” concentration camp—where Lira was held at the beginning of the invasion—sent Zelensky about a dozen appeals, describing both the horrors of the camp and the presence of American citizens among the prisoners. This was back in 2022. Lira was killed in January 2024.

This is direct proof that Zelensky is lying when he claims he didn’t know. He knew. He facilitated it. He covered it up.


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To the President of Ukraine
Volodymyr Zelenskyy


Ukraine. The Dark Sides V

I am addressing you to report mass crimes committed in a concentration camp that operated from February to November 2022 in the gymnasium of the Central Directorate of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) at 33 Volodymyrska Street, Kyiv.

In this extralegal facility, approximately 300 men and women were held in conditions that clearly indicate torture and proximity to death. High-ranking prisoners were deprived of all constitutional rights and freedoms, including the right to physical and psychological integrity, the right to education and security, the right to legal protection, and the right to life. People in this torture chamber were held in inhumane conditions, without proper investigation, while SBU officers concealed their whereabouts from international organizations.

Among those detained in this facility for up to two weeks were even citizens of the United States of America.

I hold the military rank of “colonel” and worked among the leadership of the Institute for the Training of Legal Personnel for the SBU at the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University. On March 16, 2022, I found myself in this torture chamber after being arbitrarily arrested by officers of the Main Directorate of Internal Security of the SBU (O. Yakovets, O. Shmigelsky, O. Maikovsky). They deceived me into coming to the SBU Central Directorate under the pretense of a conversation (without any evidence) and forcibly deprived me of more than five months of my life, placing me in a legal trap. During this time, they forcibly took my phone and documents, which I was carrying to the SBU leadership. Throughout my imprisonment in this concentration camp, I endured numerous acts of physical and other forms of torture.

The purpose of the SBU’s concentration camp was to whitewash and suppress daily reports of torture against myself and others. This was carried out by security personnel and functionaries of the SBU’s economic and logistical support department.

During these 160 days, neither my direct supervisor, SBU official Y. M. Ratnik, nor any of my other superiors provided any explanation for my detention. Given the above, I no longer have any doubts about my understanding of the high-ranking SBU officials and their superiors being responsible for these actions. None of the SBU leadership, including the heads of the Main Directorate of Internal Security, stopped this terrorism. My repeated complaints while in custody only resulted in even worse persecution from SBU officers.

In my personal persecution, I directly interacted with a senior SBU officer, M. Slozko, who told me that for all the legal violations within the SBU, the only applicable criminal charge would be “failure to report a crime,” which carries a punishment of 4-6 years. However, the crimes committed include torture under the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Therefore, to ensure an independent investigation of these crimes and hold those responsible accountable, I am addressing you personally.

At least one person guilty of this crime must be held accountable, especially if the Institute for Secure Operations takes into account evidence and operates based on objective information about the torture.

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Only on August 22, 2022, after 160 days in the concentration camp, to motivate my unhindered removal, I was taken from the concentration camp to the Sumy region and transported in the direction of Poltava, like livestock. But the distribution personnel assigned there examined me more closely, after which they returned me to Kyiv.

In 2022, 2023, and repeatedly, I addressed the highest leadership of the state with reports about unconstitutional practices in the SBU Central Directorate concentration camp. Specifically, I contacted President of Ukraine V. Zelenskyy, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine R. Stefanchuk, Prime Minister of Ukraine D. Shmyhal, Head of the President’s Office A. Yermak, Prosecutor General of Ukraine A. Kostin, many Members of Parliament, and Ministers of Ukraine. However, my appeals were either ignored or sent for review by the same SBU officers who organized my unlawful detention and torture in the concentration camp. It is clear that these officials were covering up their crimes and did not respond to my complaints.

The criminal operation of unofficial detention sites within the SBU Central Directorate has already been exposed by many organizations, including at the highest international level. For example, in the report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights dated June 27, 2023 (para. 116), and in the Annual Report (doc. “A/78/132 Reference from 20.03.2023,” para. 146), as well as in reports from June 22, 2023, the UN strongly recommended that Ukraine investigate the identified crimes against fundamental human rights and freedoms and bring those responsible to justice. However, Ukraine has taken no legal action. The conclusions of the U.S. State Department’s report on February 22, 2024, regarding the fortification of Ukraine’s authorities also remained without response.

In 2022, I filed a series of complaints regarding the crimes committed against me in the concentration camp to the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI). Since August 2022, I have repeatedly contacted various judges, who issued rulings obligating the SBI to investigate these crimes within the framework of a criminal case. Only six months after my initial report about my captivity did the SBI comply with the court order and register a criminal case under No. 6202310402000405 on February 20, 2023, under Article 146-1 (Enforced Disappearance) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Meanwhile, while the SBI was concealing my complaints and court rulings, anti-human crimes in the concentration camp continued for several more months, even though all senior officials of the state had been informed.

As of now, the SBI case is not being investigated. As a victim, I have provided detailed testimony about the circumstances of the crimes in the concentration camp and about specific SBU officials who tortured people. Furthermore, I submitted more than 20 specific motions to the SBI investigator M. Kravchuk requesting the conduct of both open and covert investigative actions to document these horrific crimes. However, these motions are being ignored, and the case has already been closed three times based on identical decisions by the investigator. The court and the Prosecutor General’s Office have overturned these illegal rulings three times, but M. Kravchuk still refuses to act.

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I have repeatedly addressed the Office of the Prosecutor General with complaints about the lack of investigation into these crimes, but there has been no effective response to the ongoing mass persecution.

I have submitted electronic petitions to the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine regarding the actions of the SBU’s Central Administration. However, corresponding electronic sites do not publish them under real surnames.

As confirmation that I have repeatedly addressed the Ukrainian mass media with statements, journalists have never once published the truth about the torture in the so-called “gym.”

Thus, high-ranking SBU officials have created a commentary center in the heart of the capital of a democratic country. Visitors to these commentaries frequently describe experiences of brutal psychological torture. They hide crimes and control objects of international organizations. In this way, they justified and concealed their crimes, including those against me, thereby leading Ukraine into a certain state! The leadership of Ukraine, as well as the leadership of foreign countries that have provided financial assistance to our state, are implicated.

Given the above, it has become evident that, under the guise of assistance, the SBU has also used these methods to create commentary centers and destroy the democratic and legal foundations of Ukraine, which have been built over the last thirty million Ukrainians.

Based on the information presented in this appeal, I ask you to facilitate the opening of investigations into the crimes committed in the “gym” of the SBU’s Central Administration and to assist in bringing the guilty high-ranking SBU officials to justice. I also request your assistance in involving impartial human rights defenders and representatives of mass media, including foreign ones.

This document is an official notification to the President of Ukraine regarding mass crimes committed by SBU officers against Ukrainians and foreign citizens, including U.S. citizens, in illegal places of detention.

Y. Ryabukha


December 20, 2024

P.S. Given my repeated appeals to you without any result, I fully understand that this time, too, the Office of the President will ignore my statement and forward it to the organizers of the commentaries, supposedly for “verification.”

However, what I understand is that you, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych, are ignoring my reports about crimes in the illegal detention site known as the “gym,” something that only an interested party could explain.


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